new hope

25 years ago...

my story

25 years ago, my dad encouraged me to set up a plant landscaping business. He enrolled me into a short course and provided me initial capital to get it started. I stayed on a rural property for 3 months, but I missed the city and gave up this business venture.

When he died 3 years ago, I found comfort in growing plants again. I felt connected to him. I also felt the support of my family and friends by giving me plants; sharing their plant cuttings with me. This is how I was able to deal with my grief – I saw plants differently.

I noticed a Monstera plant dying on a pile of dirt at the back of our office (office renovations caused the plant corner to be turned into concrete pavement). I couldn’t help but rescue it.

I saw plants and plastic pots being thrown away; waiting for the city council’s curbside rubbish collection. I couldn’t help but rescue them.

I find delight and satisfaction, waking up in the morning to find a new leaf is about to sprout or open. It gives me new hope, new faith, a new day to start and share love again.


A beautiful environment starts
with you.